miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019


Heeeeeeeeello, today I'm going to talk about of my favourite book, called "Niebla" by Miguel de Unámuno. Niebla is one of the most famous novels of the author published in 1914, and belongs to the genre of existentialism.
I read Niebla for the school when I was 15 years old and since then I liked reading these types of books.
Niebla narrate the history of Augusto Pérez and how he falls in love with Eugenia, which is in love with Mauricio... the novel caught me for the charasteristic of the principal character, Augusto, wich spent all day and part of the night meditating and formulating philosophical theories for himself about events that happened to him. But the most interesting thing in this book is the end, the conversation that Augusto has with Miguel de Unamuno when Augusto decides to commit suicide for the unintended love of Eugenia, since she decides to leave with mauricio, her true love. In this conversation the barrier of fiction is passed because the author, Miguel de Unámuno, is inserted from hisself in the reality of the book and when speaking with Augusto, it makes us see the position of an author when writing a book, the position of a god who could kill him... posture that is rejected by Augusto, that philosophizing about it says that we are all destined to die some day... I will the final of the book for me:)

domingo, 23 de junio de 2019

mp3 player

My favourite piece of technology is my mp3 player, this is a little pendrive that serves to play and save my music and archives. This one just plays music with earphones and, in this moment of my life, I've forgotten. I have my first and only mp3 player in 2016, because it was an offer and I always wanted one because I lacked memory on my cell phone. I put all my rap music in that and it sounded incredible to me. I took it with me everywhere, because it was very comfortable and I had my favourites songs saved in this mp3. I remember that with nostalgy, because I really liked, but one day, I let it fall in a puddle and it was filled with water, I was scared but it kept working and do not take importance. Two weeks later my precious mp3 stopped playing my music and it only served to save files, then it became a pendrive.
That's my sad story with my player music :(
                 Resultado de imagen para reproductor mp3

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

A little juggler.

Well... This is my hobby, and a big part of my life, because the juggling always stays with me, because more than a pastime, the juggling was a solution in a determinated stage of my life.
Basicly, the Juggling is a discipline in that the constancy it's everything, it is about different plays with objects wich do you manipulated or throw in the air. Meanwhile you more practice that the rest you survive like a juggler, that's for the discipline it's very competitive, but the symphaty of the others its staunch, this is because the juggling is not a very masified sport, and the big jugglers aport to community with their cognizance of the discipline they handle. I will try enter in the juggling world in 2014, in Christmas with three balls cast for me with balloons (globes) and rice inside from them. Since this moment I never left, because its very interesting for me and I have a really passion for all disciplines that I handle, like the playing 5 balls, 4 clubs, and manipulated the devil stick. Also I play the Rola-Bola, it is a table on a tube in wich I have a balance and it is very difficult, especially if I try juggling while I have a balance in the table. 
I practice juggling in any part, the balloons always stay in my bag, in case I get bored, I take them out and start to practice my tricks.
Always try to practice a bit in the day, but the university consumes all of my time... perhaps if I organizated my time better, I could practice more than hour per day.... Maybe. Now I practice four days per week, and that's not enough, but the studies and university its always first.
Or not? Not more excuses Nacho pleaseeee.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

FAMILY JOB, or the job of my utopia

Yes, Tapestry is the job of my father and he teach me the office of a upholsterer. Basically to help him. Since i was a child i work with my father in his garage or studio, because he always need some help from me, and i can't say no, because is my father and i would help him so he could rest.
The tapestry started like me bit by bit, as I learned the job. Well, the tapestry is a job in wich  we arrange tapestries of the chairs, car seats. sets of sofas and all the things with gender. In this job the details its very importants, even if the rest of people who observed the final job, not notes the small details in every corner of the chair, divan, car seat or whatever we have done. For this job you have to have a lot of patience and a lot of dedication so that each stitch is fine. Maybe the importance of this details caught my attention and I started to be a really hobbie for me, not a job. This Job or hobbie (for me) is the job of my dreams because I could work with my father in mi city, with my family and friends  wich would make me very happy, perhaps more than studying architecture.
My inspiration on this job its my father and his desire to get ahead.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019


Power ranger green
I really like the power rangers, i dreamed of being one, especifically the power ranger green from the season of the spirit animal. The animal of the power ranger green is a ELEPHANT, with whom I identify for their attitudes with the rest of the elephants, to take care of each other. Well, i really like this seasons of the serie, because the animation its really amazing for a children of eight years old. Furthermore I grew up watching this serie all the time in the TV, With my friend's play like a power ranger and fighting like one, with the screams and attacks they had in the serie, also fight with swords like they but always finish in tragedy... jajaja
The power rangers have his own universe, with heroes and villains. Fights for the justice, protect the city it's usual all the day's for they. In the all of seasons they searched defeat evil and villains, be every time more difficult defeat the villain who atacked them
The power Ranger were always five, sometimes 6, the ranger Pink, Skyblue, Green, Dark and Red, being the red the leader of them.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

So, my name is Ignacio Oyarzo and I'm your classmate. I was born in Osorno, in the south of Chile and I came to Santiago to study architecture in 2018. That's my second year in the university. I have 2 dog's. In Osorno whit my family stay my dog Manchas Alberto Oyarzo Espinoza a.k.a "Cachulo", and in Santiago I live with Kira, my new pet. My hobbies are Juggling and walking the dog's.


Heeeeeeeeello, today I'm going to talk about of my favourite book, called "Niebla" by Miguel de Unámuno. Niebla is one of the ...